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A Family's Double Success at Z073!

Hello! My name is Nadia Fares and my two daughters, Yasmine and Leana, had the opportunity to attend District 20 Pre-K Center Z073 located at 7415 Fort Hamilton Parkway. The experience has been nothing but phenomenal. The communication, curriculum, and safety the school has provided for both my daughters have been seamless. The program’s stringent approach to the Covid-19 situation and the protocols they have instilled to counter its challenges have made me feel safe and comfortable in sending my daughters to school.

I have experienced Z073 in more than one way. First, my oldest daughter, Yasmine, attended the latest dual language program introduced last year which consisted of both Arabic and English. This exposed her to a new language at the perfect age. It consisted of two teachers, Mrs. Fattah for English, and Mrs. Khoury for Arabic and they were assisted by paraprofessional Mrs. Soleiman. What else can I say besides them being wonderful? The dual language classes of the D20 Pre-K program are enriched as the students learn about different cultures. The teachers went above and beyond my expectations by introducing the students to new topics and projects as they engage in many activities and projects. The teachers provided a lot of structure and kept the class very organized. They helped Yasmine blossom by strengthening her reading and writing skills, teaching her new science concepts, and more importantly helping the children understand themselves. All this in both languages!

My second experience with Z073 was having my younger daughter, Leana, attend 3-K. Although I was skeptical and nervous about sending Leana to 3-K, I am now extremely glad that I went through with the decision. Of course, Z073 was my first choice on her application as I was thrilled to hear their announcement of launching 3-K for the 2021-2022 school year. I knew the school inside and out from my experience with Yasmine and I knew it would be like a second home for Leana too.

The first week was time for Leana to adjust, but before I knew she was experiencing the excitement of going to school. Leana was ecstatic to see her teachers, her classmates, and to even give Joe, our safety agent, a high five as she walks into the entrance of the school.

Her teachers, Mrs.Litland, and her paraprofessional, Mrs. Picardi, are so engaging and interactive with the children. They are very organized with the class as they prepare a schedule, thus allowing a routine every day. Communication is key with these teachers and that’s what I love about them! Each week, they email a newsletter to us parents which details the topic of the week accompanied with pictures of the children taken from the previous week. We always have an insight into what’s going on in the classroom. We could reach out to the teachers for any concerns we may have, and they are always willing to address every single one a stressed mother may have! Another great element is that the students have every type of activity they could wish for at this young age of three- including dance, art, sciences, and even cooking. They even learned how to make butter! How much better can it get? My daughter also learned shapes, colors, and her vocabulary expands every day. I also love how the children learn to positively build their emotions together with the support of their amazing teachers! Proper guidance at a young age helps a child to blossom.

In Z073, the joy and pride of my little ones took over the fears I had at the beginning of the year of letting them out of my sight. Yasmine and Leana flourished in 3-K thanks to a group of very caring, patient, engaging, and receptive teachers! We love the school so much that I am looking forward to having Leana enroll in their Pre-K dual language program just like her sister for the 2022-2023 school year. We can’t think of any other school to attend! Thank you so much again to our Z073 family for giving my daughters the best early childhood education they could possibly get!


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